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"The meeting for decision-makers of the entire agribusiness chain. Investors, industry leaders and start-ups meet to discuss the challenges of agriculture; plenty of knowledge and strategic networking." 

Open Innovation Manager, AgroStart LATAM, BASF

World Agri-Tech Innovation Summit - Mexico City

Catalyzing Climate-Smart Agri-Food Innovation & Investment in Mexico

Partnering with the summit gives you a unique opportunity to associate your brand with accelerating innovation across the agri-food value chain via networking and thought leadership opportunities. There's no better opportunity to showcase your expertise and position your company as the partner of choice. 

October 29-30, 2024 9-5pm CST Mexico City

Connect With AgTech Leaders From Around The World:

  • Business development, lead generation and networking
  • Unrivalled opportunities to connect with our senior and highly curated network of global agtech leaders
  • Demonstrate and communicate your message through thought leadership
  • Amplify awareness of your brand with: priority positioning within THE platform for the agtech ecosystem
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