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Global Foods Packaging Director, UNILEVER, NETHERLANDS

“This event is different as it proposes to bring together players from all different steps of the circular economy and, more importantly, talk about aspects of plastics that are often the “elephant in the room” that no one dares to discuss.”

Rethinking Materials Innovation and Investment Summit

Let's have a chat to tell you more

Focusing on upstream innovation (design, new materials, and regulation) the summit sets out to connect technology pioneers with investors and corporate partners to scale innovation in new materials for consumer goods – including packaging, textiles, durable goods, and personal hygiene products.

Providing two days of debate and targeted networking with global consumer brands, producers, converters, policymakers, early-stage innovators, and investors – the 2024 agenda offers a unique opportunity to learn from adjacent sectors and gain insights into innovative applications of new materials and technologies that can future-proof your business and achieve more sustainable supply chains.

May 13-14, 2025 9am - 5pm BST London

Connect with global FMCG and Retail Brands, Converters, Technology Innovators, Investors and Government Regulators:

  • Create new Business Connections throughout the entire value chain via 1-1 meetings
  • Benchmark with Your Peers in small group roundtable discussions
  • Gain Critical Intelligence on plastics & packaging, bio-based and circular solutions
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